Burn Survivor Events

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All In-Person (and Zoom) Burn Survivor Meetings

UCSD Regional Burn Center 200 W. Arbor Dr. 8th floor conference room, San Diego, CA, United States

The Burn Institute aims to offer many programs for burn survivors. One aspect of our programs is our support groups. Once a month, burn survivors and their caregivers are invited to attend group meetings to discuss the triumphs and hardships they may be facing in their life journey. The  in-person support meeting is open to […]

Event Series Burn Survivor Support Group for Men

Burn Survivor Support Group for Men

The Burn Institute aims to offer many programs for burn survivors. One aspect of our programs is our support groups. Burn survivors and their caregivers are invited to attend group meetings to discuss the triumphs and hardships they may be facing in their life journey. Group is held virtually. Attendees are welcome to join us […]

Event Series Burn Survivor Support Group for Men

Burn Survivor Support Group for Men

The Burn Institute aims to offer many programs for burn survivors. One aspect of our programs is our support groups. Burn survivors and their caregivers are invited to attend group meetings to discuss the triumphs and hardships they may be facing in their life journey. Group is held virtually. Attendees are welcome to join us […]