Leader in Training Information:
LITs at Camp Beyond the Scars are an integral part of the camp process. They are seen as leaders and positive role models to the younger campers who will look to LITs for guidance and leadership. LITs are seen as future counselors and leaders and will be required to maintain appropriate and respectful behavior by adhering to set boundaries and upholding and obeying camp policies and procedures. The LIT program is an excellent way to build and develop important life skills including communication and conflict resolution.
Who can be an LIT?
Burn survivors between the ages of 18-20 years old! Please complete the following application before the deadline May 1, 2022. If for any reason, you must withdraw your application, please notify the Burn Institute in a timely manner.
Steps to become an LIT:
Conduct a Live Scan once application is accepted (for new LITs only)
OPTIONAL: Attend a 8 hour Mental Health First Aid training for adults working with youth through MHA (DATE TBA)
Attend a MANDATORY Pre-Camp LIT meeting with the Burn Institute (DATE TBA)
Attend a MANDATORY staff/counselor/LIT orientation at PCCC Doane Valley Campus on Sunday, July 10, 2022.